Our Secondary I and II
The German School Kuala Lumpur offers education for a total of 12 years leading to the German “Abitur” (A-Level): The Primary School comprises four years followed by the one-year Orientation Stage (Year 5), the Secondary Level I (Year 6 to 9), the Introductory Stage (Year 10) and finally the two year Upper Secondary Level (Year 11 and 12).
Lessons are conducted following the standardized framework set out for German Schools in Asia. The syllabus is based on the curriculum of the Federal State of Thuringia, the core curricula authorized by the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, as well as our own school-specific curricula.
It embraces the cultural, religious, ethnic and historical characteristics of our host country Malaysia, has a clear international focus and prepares students for the German International Abitur (DIA), an internationally recognized university entrance qualification.
Secondary I
In order to ensure a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary School (Orientation Stage), the class teacher of Year 3 and 4 will continue to be the class teacher for Year 5 students as well. Supported by their familiar teacher and the familiar open learning methodology, we aim at preparing students in the best possible way for the next level.
At the end of Year 5 and after careful consideration at the class teachers’ meeting, students are advised on which school type is recommended for them. The results of the first semester of Year 6 are decisive for the students to be streamed into one of the three school types: Hauptschule, Realschule (Secondary I) or Gymnasium (Secondary II). In accordance with the principle of the best possible promotion, at DSKL top-performing students who have selected French from Year 6 onwards, by a resolution taken at the class teachers’ meeting, may still be promoted into Upper Secondary Level at the end of Year 8.
Thus, students who develop their strengths at a later stage can easily be promoted to a higher level. Students of Lower Secondary Level may replace their second foreign language with science subjects from Year 7 onwards. Thereafter, any transition into the Upper Secondary Level is no longer possible.
The school will assign a supplementary teacher to classes with large inhomogeneous student populations in order to be able to temporarily conduct lessons at two different levels of teaching and learning. This arrangement not only relieves the individual teacher, but also ensures that students receive an equal amount of attention at different levels of learning. Thus, each student will be attended to and fostered according to their individual strengths and weaknesses.
Our largely English-speaking environment in Malaysia is reflected in our school curriculum. History is taught bilingually from Year 8 onwards, i. e. the mediums of instruction are English and German on a fifty-fifty basis. Physics is taught exclusively in English from Year 9 onwards. As in other German schools, “Hauptschule” students finish school at the end of Year 9 receiving the so-called “Haupschulabschluss” (Secondary School Leaving Certificate). Students having completed “Realschule” and sit for the qualifying examination after Year 10, may repeat Year 10 at Upper Secondary Level.
These students may have to complete an intensive course in French in order for them to qualify for entry into the Qualification Phase (Years 11-12). Students of Year 10 (students of Lower Secondary Year 9) participate in a school leaving qualification procedure at Secondary I level and are awarded either the “Hauptschulabschluss” and/or “Realschulabschluss” (O-Level) and/or the entry qualification for the Upper Secondary Level.
Secondary II
In line with many other German Schools Abroad DSKL is offering the standardized German International Abitur since School Year 2017/2018. This High School Leaving Certificate is fully recognized by both German and international universities alike.
For DSKL as one of the first German Schools Abroad that has been conducting the German International Abitur Examination since 2009, the standardization of this High School Leaving Qualifications is testimony to our good work which thus has been fully accredited. The educational program at DSKL comprises an introductory phase (Year 10) and a two-year qualifying phase in the classroom. Lessons are conducted following the standardized framework set out for German Schools in Asia.
At DSKL lessons at Upper Secondary Level (Qualification Phase) are conducted in class. Subjects taught are German, Mathematics (5 hours respectively), English and either French or Chemistry (4 hours). From Year 11 onward students are given the opportunity to choose between French and Chemistry in order to accommodate those students who have already completed their second foreign language requirement in Year 10. Subjects such as Biology, Geography, Physics, Sports, History and Music are taught in three hour weekly sessions. Physics is exclusively taught in English, whereas the medium of instruction for History is German and English.
Grades resulting from continuous assessment during the final two years of the Qualification Phase and the Abitur examination comprising three written and two oral exams will contribute to the overall Abitur grade. Students of Secondary I (‘Realschüler’), fulfilling certain requirements have the opportunity to repeat Year 10 in Upper Secondary Level in order to attain the entry qualification into Secondary Level II. However, these students would have to complete an intensive course in French especially designed for students who have started their second foreign language in Year 10.