About the school

The School
Funded by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) the German School Kuala Lumpur (DSKL) is a German School Abroad supported by the German School Association Malaysia (DSM).
The primary aim of the German School Kuala Lumpur is to provide its students with an education based on the German education system leading to German school leaving qualifications. Apart from focusing on academic excellence, we provide opportunities for our students to engage in intercultural experiences by familiarizing themselves with the history, culture and everyday life of our host country Malaysia.
In the lower secondary section, students of Grade 10 take part in the final examination of lower secondary education and acquire the O-Level certificate (resp. lower secondary qualification) and/or the entry qualification to the upper secondary level that leads to the German International Abitur (DIA). Children of all nationalities with adequate German language proficiency can be admitted do DSKL from Kindergarten onwards.
However, children of Malaysian nationality require permission from the Malaysian Ministry of Education prior to admission to DSKL. In addition we offer children whose families don´t live in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur the option to stay at our supervised accommodation in Petaling Jaya.
Our Mission
„Learn – Live – Learn for life“
and not only we teach knowledge but values.
Our values are:
- We strengthen the development of our children’s personality
- We value holistic learning
- We prepare our children for the world of life and work
- We work in a team
- We pay attention to quality
- We work in a future-oriented way
- We work bilingually and internationally
- We promote cultural exchange
and this is reflected in our daily school life.